
A familial bond runs through Nadeem Group – from the sister companies that make up the organization to our closeknit staff worldwide.
Collectively, we commit to each member of the family. Our goal is to assist our staff to discover their own potential throughout the course of their careers. It’s what leads to the long-term relationships employees have with us, and what defines Nadeem Group as an organisation.
We bring together our talented and diverse family through our bi-weekly coordination meetings. Staff from across departments congregates to ensure that their efforts meet and mesh to reach the goal. These meetings help to foster our truly familial and synergetic environment: a place that puts a premium on differences and growth, yet prizes results.
Represented in Nadeem group
To create opportunities for staff growth, we actively encourage employees to engage in professional associations. Many are registered with the American Society of Civil Engineers, COREN, American Association of Cost Engineers, American Management Association, as well as the UK Professional Engineering and Environmental Bodies – to name but a few.
The blueprints and plans may change. Nadeem Group’s credo always remains the same. We don’t lay highways; we connect cities.
We don’t build bridges; we couple communities that are only kilometres apart but a world away overland.
Nadeem Group strives to improve people’s lives, and our first step is to always establish long-term partnerships. It’s an approach we replicate wherever we’re employed. We pursue enduring relationships with communities, whether it’s with community leaders, local businesses or governments. When local talent is available, we hire locally; when the appropriate construction materials are available locally, we purchase locally.
Nadeem Group’s efforts extend further, beyond the contracted project. We have an “open door” policy to helping address the challenges that societies may face.

Concern for future generations led us to sponsor an annual tennis clinic in Nigeria for adolescent boys and girls, in which we could offer an extracurricular pursuit that wouldn’t otherwise exist. Of the over 1000 boys and girls who’ve passed through the program, a roster of players have gone on to participate in both national and international tennis events. Nadeem Group offers scholarships to promising students from local communities to study in leading universities abroad, with the hope that they can leverage on this exposure and educational proficiency back home.
Still, our greatest strength lies in leveraging our core capacities to support communities in need. We’ve built roads, clinics, classrooms and water reservoirs for low-income areas for free, such as our twenty-room school in Imeke Town. For Edo State we produced a comprehensive study for roads and drainage, and we laid the main road to the Government Hospital in Auchi. When we saw the tourism potential for Nigeria’s Gurara Falls, we boosted the local Gwarri economy with a 5 kilometer-long road from the main highway to the picturesque site.
When communities are in need, we commit our company’s resources. When the 2013 rainy season damaged the roofs of 35 homes in Warrake town , we arranged to fully compensate the owners of affected houses for the repairs. When the Timbabe River in Equatorial Guinea flooded, damaging surrounding properties and rendering impassible the highway to the airport, we immediately went to work to resolve the crisis. The Nadeem Group credo places the aspirations of the communities in which we work at the center of our mission – from the material needs of new infrastructure to the social needs of better health and education.